Submit a request

Community Support

There are multiple methods of contacting Lucid Support. We recommend starting with the Lucid Community to get fast help from millions of users. Please post here to get a quick resolution from our community support team and other Lucid users. You can also search the community to see if your question has already been answered!

Please note: If your request involves sensitive information (e.g. billing or contact information) or you are a FedRAMP user, please proceed with submitting a ticket below rather than posting it in the community. Please DO NOT submit both a post and a ticket. This will not expedite a response.

Ticket Support

Choose a category from the menu that best describes your question. To get help with the product, select Feature and Integration Questions, then specify the feature you are using in the dropdown that appears.

Scroll to see all available options. If you're using multiple features, choose the one that best represents your question. For example, if you want to export an org chart but the export fails, select Exporting or Printing.

Provide us with a concise description of your issue.

Provide us with a specific description of your issue or question. If possible, provide numbered steps to reproduce the issue and attach screenshots below to provide additional context. Do not provide sensitive information.

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